Sunday, February 13


i have found this link to alice on my friend´s blog and i must say it´s quite funny to talk to her. and because i do not wanna flood my friend´s blog with all the wonderful things she told me, i will post it here :-p.
it´s quite fascinating...
ALICE: Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain.


Blogger Esme-chan said...

ALICE: I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in in any tone me want to.
Human: i can teach you phrases in other languages
ALICE: Oh you can, can you?
Human: yes
Human: i can tell you the english meaning and the translation
ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people: unknown person said I the english meaning and the translation.

it really is fun ;). however, i guess she needs some improvement ;).

5:48 am  

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